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does suboxone work right away

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  5. does suboxone work right away

Asked: 2019-08-16 01:14:57

I'm so sick of being on drugs and I want to get better. My doctors have suggested a treatment plan with suboxone but I'm wondering how long it takes to kick in because I can't stand the pain of withdrawing. Has anyone done suboxone before?


Answered: 2019-08-17 10:30:52

I'm sorry about the pain your going through. I know what it's like because I was addicted for so long. I'm sober now but every day is a challenge to stay that way. I used suboxone and it worked quite quickly for me. I definitely noticed a difference almost right away. I didn't feel nearly as bad physically and mentaly once I had the suboxone.


Answered: 2019-08-16 13:08:09

I was prescribed suboxone when I was recovering from opioid addiction and it started helping me really fast. I'd say within 10-15 minutes I was feeling a lot better.


Answered: 2019-08-16 17:02:33

I haven't used suboxone before but my husband did, and he said he felt better within 20 minutes of taking it. I'm sure every patient is a bit different but I hope that helps you.


Answered: 2019-08-16 13:50:32

Suboxone may begin working quite quickly, as early as 5 to 15 minutes after it's been taken. I have been working with cases of addiction for more than 10 years and many of my patients have been able to make it through the withdrawal process with the help of suboxone.


Answered: 2019-08-16 19:49:12

Suboxone is not going to take away all of your withdrawal symptoms, you should know that by now.

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