advice for parents of addicts

How Do I Help My Child? Advice for Parents of Addicts

Is your child suffering from drug addiction? Are you struggling to reach out to him? Are you searching for an effective way to end the addiction?

Drug addiction is a serious problem. It takes the lives of about 70,000 people in the United States annually. This scourge affects not only adults but also children and teenagers. From 1999 to 2016, opioids have killed close to 9,000 children.

But there is a solution to addiction. It starts by providing the right kind of advice for parents of addicts.

So if you are a parent of an addict, continue reading below as we discuss important points in dealing with drug addiction.

Advice for Parents of Addicts

No matter how helpless you feel regarding your child’s situation, there is a solution. Check out these six important truths that will help free your child from bondage caused by opioid addiction.

1. Rebuild Your Relationship

Dealing with a drug-addicted child begins with rebuilding your relationship. Issues that sprout from drug addiction often strain your relationship with your child. Thus, you need to strengthen it to get things back on track.

You can do so by having open and assertive communication with your child. This involves asking the right questions. It also entails actively listening to your child.

When asking questions, stick to the open-ended ones. Make sure that your questions are nonjudgmental. Do make your child feel that you are judging him for his actions.

Asking open-ended questions will help bring out more from your child. This will give him a chance to speak his mind openly.

When talking to your child, always maintain your focus. You need to be engaging. Always maintain a kind and respectful tone.

Try to limit your negative reactions. Manage your emotions if you become upset with his responses.

2. Focus on Positive Things

You want to foster an environment that is full of hope. Thus, you need to focus on positivity.

It is likely that your child is making poor decisions because of his addiction. This may result in low self-esteem. His self-confidence is also on a downward spiral.

To counter this, you need to focus on the positives. Make them feel that they can overcome their condition. Use encouraging words to drive out their negative thoughts.

Even if addiction is partly affected by genetics, all is not lost. Engage your child in an optimistic conversation. This will open up the doors for new things that will veer him away from his addiction.

By encouraging positive behaviors, you can help improve their coping skills. You can create better peer relationships. You will help him build strength to face his challenges.

3. Set Guidelines and Parameters

You also need to set guidelines and parameters both of you should follow. This will help clear the expectations regarding your child’s behavior. The key is to develop these guidelines in the presence of your child.

You need to collaborate and agree with each and every rule. Be sure to explain the consequences clearly in the event that your child breaks a rule.

You need to be clear on what will happen if they decide not to follow the guidelines. When implementing the guidelines, you need to detach yourself from your emotions. You need to be consistent when it comes to implementation.

As for the parameters, you need to set them when your child is calm. You need to discuss the parameters while they are rational.

Children struggling with drug addiction have the tendency to test the limits of the people they love. They will try to manipulate you using emotions.

4. Stop Enabling

We know that you love your child very much. However, there is a thin line between loving them and enabling them.

Do not become an enabler.

Use the boundaries that you set to check if you are helping your child cope or if you are simply enabling him. Enabling your child means shouldering much of your child’s responsibilities. It negates the value of accountability.

Do you make excuses for your child? Do you blame yourself for their actions? Do you focus more on eliminating their short-term pain instead of entirely solving the problem?

If your answer is “yes,” then you are likely enabling your child. Turn things around by letting your child know that you are in charge.

5. Love Your Child

Even as you strictly impose your guidelines, you should never forget to express your love for your child. When was the last time you gave your child a hug? Now is the best time to do so.

Show your love by hugging and kissing them. Praise them if they successfully followed the guidelines. Never get tired of giving words of encouragement.

Always remind your child that you love him.

6. Love Yourself

Lastly, you need to love yourself by taking care of yourself. This means not letting your child’s predicament consume you.

If your child continues to be hard-headed despite your efforts, do not blame yourself. Love yourself by accepting your limits.

Dealing with drug addiction takes a lot out of you emotionally, mentally, and spiritually. Do not neglect your health, as it may lead to burnout.

Once stress gets the better of you, you will likely get sick.

Be open to the idea of asking for help. There are many drug treatment centers in the country. These places provide counseling not only for the addicts but also for their parents.

But be careful when choosing the best centers. There are those tagged to be unscrupulous.

Take care of yourself as you take care of the rest of your family.

Get the Right Kind of Help, Today!

Getting the best advice for parents of addicts will not be complete without getting the best medical products. We encourage you to look into Suboxone and how it can help your child battle addiction.

We offer extensive resources for Suboxone clinics and doctors in your area. Get in touch with us today. Let’s take a huge step toward restoring your child from drug addiction.

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