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is buprenorphine an agonist or antagonist

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  5. is buprenorphine an agonist or antagonist

Asked: 2020-01-16 15:24:10

I recently started to use Buprenorphine, also known as Belbuca. The doctor tried to explain to me how this medicine is an agonist and antagonist and I was completely lost on the explanation. Can someone help and explain which one Buprenorphine is?


Answered: 2020-01-17 23:23:44

Buprenorphine is a partial agonist. It activates some of the opioid receptors of the brain, but not nearly as much as a full agonist would. This makes it less addictive, but you should not believe that you’ll be fine if you use it without a prescription. Remember, using any kind of controlled substance without a doctor being fully aware of your situation can be dangerous.


Answered: 2020-01-16 23:20:17

Some people claim that belbuca can be used as an antagonist, but they are wrong. It’s not really a replacement for agonists, so it can’t be used in replacement therapy, for instance. This drug is on a category of its own, being on both sides of the specter.


Answered: 2020-01-18 11:44:36

I’ve studied this, so I guess I can help. Agonists and antagonists are two important concepts. An agonist drug activates the opioid receptors of the brain. An antagonist one blocks these same opioids from attaching to the brain. Antagonists are used to blocking full agonists because of these properties. So, what is Buprenorphine? It is actually both, so it’s called a partial agonist. It activates the opioids of the brain, but a lot less than other drugs such as morphine and heroine would. I hope that this helped to determine the difference.


Answered: 2020-01-17 07:28:22

A doctor explained this to you, you didn’t understand and you think that some random person online would explain it better? I could say it’s both of them, but if you didn’t get it on the first time, I don’t think you would now.


Answered: 2020-01-18 08:34:06

Both. They are opposites. Agonists activate the opioids in the brain while antagonists block them. The difference in the case of buprenorphine is that it activates receptors to a way lesser degree than other drugs would. It kinda activates and blocks them at the same time.

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