what painkillers can you take with subutex
emily keenan
Asked: 2019-11-05 11:29:55
I am on a MAT plan, specifically with subutex. However, I cracked a tooth the other day and am in crazy amounts of pain. Is there anything for pain that i can take while being on subutex?
patrick miles
Answered: 2019-11-06 16:54:22
only stick to over the counter pain relievers to be safe
jared bart
Answered: 2019-11-07 10:10:11
I don't really think you're supposeed to take painkillers with it given the fact that it is supposed to be treating your addiction to them..
greta day
Answered: 2019-11-07 11:59:56
you are supposed to wait about 36 hours before taking any opiates because you could experience withdrawals or an overdose. The overdose can happen because you subutex is supposed to block the receptors in your brain that opiates bond to.
van n.
Answered: 2019-11-05 16:51:00
check with your doctor. The most I'd take with it would maybe be OTC stuff like advil or tylenol. Even then, I'd still ask.
kyle moore
Answered: 2019-11-07 03:37:46