can you get addicted to suboxone
Gracey Kirk
Asked: 2019-07-03 11:31:45
I want to quit using opioids, but heard that Suboxone is an opioid. Is it possible to become addicted to Suboxone instead of other opioids?
Kamal Griffish
Answered: 2019-07-03 22:31:13
Many addicts get addicted to the thought that they need Suboxone to stay clean. They think that the second they stop taking it they will relapse. Used with other therapies, the liklihood of an addiction is very small.
Cordelia Case
Answered: 2019-07-05 01:44:23
When you try to stop using Suboxone cold turkey you will go through withdrawals. This causes many people to keep using it. It's best to taper off of the drug so that you can avoid the withdrawals and not have to take it for long periods of time.
Kailum Stephens
Answered: 2019-07-03 21:54:28
Yes, it's possible to become addicted to Suboxone if you take it for too long. It's best to start to taper off of it as quickly as you can.
Pauline Galloway
Answered: 2019-07-04 18:27:30
You can't get addicted to Suboxone because you can't get high from it. You get addicted to the high that drugs give you.
Neva Herrera
Answered: 2019-07-03 13:35:17