how to get off of suboxone at home
Clyde Burk
Asked: 2019-12-18 16:52:41
Hello, I'm Clyde! I don't know much about addiction or anything. Does anyone know how to get off suboxone at home. Trying to learn more about it cause of my girlfriend. Thank you guys if you are able to find or share your wisdom with this addiction topic.
Janis Norris
Answered: 2019-12-20 14:51:31
Are you crazy? Getting off of suboxone at home wouldn't be a good idea. You should talk about it thoroughly with your doctor and then create a plan to taper off of the stuff.
Kristy Ortiz
Answered: 2019-12-18 18:37:37
You got to do it with your doctor. Don't do this at home and by yourself or whoever this question is about. It can be dangerous if you quit cold-turkey at home and without medical supervision. So, make sure you discuss the weaning off process with your doctor. otherwise, you might be more at risk of relapse and feel more of the withdrawal symptoms that can appear.
Edwin Fuller
Answered: 2019-12-19 10:20:09
The only way to get off of it is to talk it over with your doctor. You don't want to do it at home and alone. It can become dangerous if you do it on your own and without a plan in place to taper off of it slowly as your doctor thinks is the safest for you or your girlfriend or whoever it is you might be talking about.
Ricki Butcher
Answered: 2019-12-19 17:14:15
Actually, you shouldn't just stop taking suboxone at home. You should consult with your doctor about not continuing with this treatment. If you decide to stop, you both can create a plan to slowly wean yourself off of Suboxone since it can be dangerous if you just quit cold-turkey. So, you and your doctor can figure out at least a 3 week plan of weaning you off of the stuff so you can reduce all withdrawal symptoms from happening and relapse as well.
Lola Cole
Answered: 2019-12-19 22:37:57