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is suboxone a benzo

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  5. is suboxone a benzo

Asked: 2019-04-02 16:42:36

Hello, guys. My nephew has recently started using Suboxone to treat an addiction. Her mother, who used benzos to sleep for some time, seems to believe that these two medications are the same. She seems to believe that she could switch at any moment without any problem. Are they or Suboxone and Benzos are different things?


Answered: 2019-04-03 12:06:30

Wow, man, your mother is so wrong! These two are pretty dangerous together, so it would be a pretty dumb combination to use them together. Read the labels of these things! You can die if you use them both.


Answered: 2019-04-03 12:37:49

Hello, Cory! I work in a pharmacy, so I know a lot about these medications. It’s important to understand right from the start that they are not the same. Both of them act upon the neurotransmitters of the brain, but in different ways. Suboxone is an opioid that is often used in the treatment of heroin addiction. Benzodiazepine, often known as “benzos”, are psychoactive drugs that replaced barbiturates as a kind of sedative. It’s important to notice that using both Benzos and Suboxone or any other opioid at the same time can lead to death, so avoid it.


Answered: 2019-04-04 15:12:11

Not only they are not the same thing, but they can kill you if you take both at the same time. These two kinds of drugs are not supposed to be mixed together or replace each other! It’s important to always research well what drugs you are using! And always visit a doctor!


Answered: 2019-04-04 14:26:59

No, they are far from the same. Both of them have affects that can calm you down but benzos are specifically used as sedatives while Suboxone is a powerful tool for treating opioid addiction.


Answered: 2019-04-03 22:20:59

These two drugs may have some similarities but are not the same. They both affect how your brain works and can be addicted (although suboxone is more used to treat addiction), but their chemical structure and effects are pretty different. Also, it can be dangerous to use them together.

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